Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Best Friend

It may surprise some of you to see me here. Some of you I know because you are family, some are friends, some are people I have never met but know about you when my wife says wonderful things about you. I am the husband of the CA Girl, Lourie. She is the blogger, I am not so much, but I am the geek of the family.

But that is just a digression, I am here to talk about my best friend. I met my best friend almost 20 years ago. I wouldn't say it was immediate friendship since I asked her to dance and she told me no. It took some, but we finally danced together and then another time and then another time and eventually we parted ways for a WHOLE DAY! We had our first date that following Tuesday and haven't been apart since. Does that count as best friends? Probably not, but the following does...

Lourie is my confidante, no matter the topic, big or small, she listens, hears, and helps me with my MANY problems. She is my shoulder to cry on. She is my reason to be. She is the face I long to see in the morning and the one I want to see before I close my eyes at night.

I know some of those things are very cliche but fit her to perfection. My best friend is my wife. Love Ya, my dear.

Okay, you can begin the EEEWWWs and AAHHHHs.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tech Tuesday: Introductions

I HAVE three blogs, but I can barely keep up with one! Soooo, I decided to use this one for all three. Does that make sense? Anyhoo. Tuesdays I want to concentrate on technology issues. I am a Microsoft Certified Trainer and thus have an abundance of knowledge (who am I kidding). Today will just be an intro to my field of "expertise". My paying job is as a Senior Instructor for Technician and Administrator students. They are studying to become certified as IT Technicians, Microsoft Certified Systems Admins and Engineers. I am lucky to have a job that combines my love for teaching and my love for computers. Teaching Computers is double the love! My side work includes working with friends and family diagnosing and fixing their computers. I might not really and truly enjoy fixing broken computers, but I do get a definite sense of accomplishment in getting the job done. I have said it before and will say it again... Computers are great... when they are working.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Content, content, content

I am one of those irritating people who believe that if you don't have anything interesting to say, don't say anything. Unfortunately, I think the EVERYTHING I say is interesting so I tend to ramble. Another unfortunate thing is that even though I am an extrovert, I don't lean towards the written work, but more the spoken word. That is why you see me start many blogs but never get more than a day or two in before it just fades away. Maybe something more like a video blog would be more my speed. Just a few minutes of rambling with some structure built in for consistency. I do have lots of webspace on my server so that wouldn't be much of a problem. So, as I garner up the words and possibly the future "voice" of larktown, you might see some fun stuff coming up in the future.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Year, New Blog Entry

Well, as the geek of the family, you'd think I would be on top of this blogging thing. Apparently not. My wife does so much better at this (link to her blog above!). I guess I either don't think of things to say, run out of time to do them, or am just disinterested, or a combination of all three. I will say that, hopefully, in a week we will have closed escrow and own our first home. It only took me 43 years to become a homeowner! Being military for 20 years and moving every 3-4 years kinda makes it a bit hard to buy a house. We have rented, lived in military housing, and I did a 2-month stint in the barracks! That sucked. But now, we are on the brink of the biggest thing we have bought since the Relay. Kinda scary, but a jump in the right direction. Renting vs. paying a mortgage for us is the better way to go. We will be paying less than we did for rent even after some new expenses (insurance, gardner). It is an exciting time for our family.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Miscellaneous Musings

This has been an interesting week. New schedule at work, where we added school on Mondays and are now open 9-8 Mon-Thurs, and the regular 9-2 on Fri/Sat. This was an added bonus to the students who have been wanting Mondays. The additional 2 hours are good too on Tues and Thurs (we used to open at 11). It has relieved some of the overcrowding we have had as of late. Not that it isn't good, means we are still growing.

Enough about work. Lets talk about my car. Yes, the regular commuter is showing its age. Although that is only 7, the battery is in need of replacement. It is interesting that even though when I start it up it is dead, it will have enough to start the car after a few turns of the key. The other interesting thing is that the clock will always reset to 12:00, but my radio presets are saved. I guess that is most important. I think today is the day to get that fixed. It's hard to find deals on car batteries. Oh well, like my lovely wife said yesterday, regardless of whether you find a deal or not, you have to get a battery. She is a wise person for someone so young.